System programming

Clemence | Dec 17, 2021


Our team has just joined the software publisher ProSoft. We have to develop a backup software under the responsibility of the CIO. This backup software is part of the “EasySave” project, so it is our responsibility to manage this project.


How to make multiple secure backups?


First of all, we had to create a console application offering several types of backups. Indeed, we had the choice between full backups (all files), and partial backups (only different files). The menu was displayed with several choices:

  • Change language
  • Choice of the backup
  • Display of the logs
  • Status display

App console

It was then possible to change the language, to choose a type of backup, to display the logs of completed backups, and to display the status of ongoing and completed backups.

Then we took our application and added views to it with the same basic functionality. However, we also added data encryption.

Finale app

Acquired skills

During this project, we were able to learn GitLab, diagram modeling, and the C# language.